
Depth is meant to figuratively dissect the mind, and its conditioning, through meditative surgery. It is like moving from reactive efforts to proactive efforts to shore up a sinking boat that is your ego (Hint: ultimately you’ll let it sink). By no longer being reactive to the pushes and pulls of your ego/programming, you start to become liberated. No longer the slave to your mind.

This is like accessing the "Task Manager" of your mind's computer, seeing what processes are running and closing what is not necessary. Seeing what is minimally needed to run your computer. As you go deeper, you realize what this minimum is. You start up each day with less and less clutter of thoughts, beliefs and conditioning (programing). You go through your everyday life more easily seeing the arising of these thoughts and programs that are unnecessary. Closing them out as they arise with neutrality. Eventually this gets automated by your subconscious. A depth of ability.

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