Meditation 3

The third level of mediation is choice-less with no-thing to do. No object of your focus (as opposed to the nose in level 1 and the body in level 2). It is level 3 for a reason. It is hard to not have an object of focus and not have your mind take over with thoughts of past/present/future.

This is why you must first learn to sit your mind with the use of level 1 to form concentration and level 2 to de-program/condition with neutrality. Once de-conditioned and with strong neutrality, choice-less awareness is a little easier. Sit and be still.

Whats next? Hard to say.

Resource your strong determination, concentration and neutrality.

Practice Daily: Ideally with a dash of 1, 2 and mostly 3 if you are to that level and ability. Otherwise, spend an hour with meditation 1 or 2. They need adequate development.

When ready, sit for a long undetermined duration. “Negative” sensations are needed to strengthen and tune neutrality. Consider the perspective that they are a gift.

Ponder: What is permanent?