The Feen
What do you crave/seek/desire?
Should you be ever-searching to fill the crave, like a feen?
We live in a society built around craving and profiting from it. I’m not talking about simply craving chocolate. Craving is everywhere. When you wake up, you likely seek out something to fulfill a crave. This could be coffee, a pastry or some sort of ego stroke via social media. You may jump straight to your vice(s) depending on life’s expectations of you. A teenage might jump straight to their favored video games. A mom might go straight to binge watching the next Netfix dose. A dad might go straight to checking their sports feed. When their primary vice is not available, they can feen to another like food, smoking, drinking and drugs. If that is not available, or they need to diversify to allow for potency to return, they switch to backups of distraction and stimuli. Constantly craving, bored and unhappy when not “fulfilled.” Seeking higher levels of endorphins (natural “brain-high” chemicals) when the potency wares. This is the primary setting of most. It is the default setting of our society and seen as normal.
Just now noticing it?
It is not given that someone will point it out because it is quite normalized, almost unseen. Heck, one could try to join the other corporations to make a profit from it. Instead, Notice Mind is attempting to free you from it. Craving has physical sensations to it. Like a pit in your stomach or underlying unease in your body, it pushes you to seek relief. This is often all done subconsciously or out of your awareness. What is needed is a strengthening of your awareness so that craving is not secretly running your life.
Tools within Notice Mind
Notice Mind is meant to heighten your awareness to sensations, thoughts, emotions and behaviors of craving and other subconscious-mechanisms/programing. To give you an alternative path which is not the easiest. The easiest thing to do is to continue on with your addictions and your grasping for permanent happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction. The more difficult path is to diverge from a brain wired to crave, a hamster on an ever-spinning wheel.
Notice Mind’s primary tool for awareness is called “Notice Mind.” Using it within the free App can help heighten your awareness to the factors of your causal chains as well as shift outcomes. Notice Mind’s meditation and mindfulness exercises, are thought of as the strongest tools. They are a time to take a break from the “hamster wheel” and to notice the habit pattern of craving at it’s most starved. These are methods to tend to this mind habit with acknowledgement, non-reaction and a reorientation to a single mundane object of focus.
Why mundane when their are guided meditation with visuals and other feel good stuff?
A mundane object of focus, like your breathing, is the lowest stimuli for an overactive, feening mind. It is thought to be the best way to beat your minds craving tenancies and the default search to not be under-stimulated. If always needing potent stimuli to feel fulfilled, you are setting yourself up to forever crave. Like an addict, you’ll feen for the stimuli fix. Look around you and see the feen. See it in yourself.
Would you like off the bus of being a stimuli feen?
Noticing it is the first step. Use Notice Mind to catch it for free. Look into the free Depth feature to learn meditation for the most potent effects. It is okay to eat some chocolate, and participate in consumption, but maybe not as a primary setting to escape and avoid. Try metaphorically starving your feen to see it.