Now that we have retrieved some of your opinions we can look at the fundamentals of compassion which may change your calibrations if you are open to it. This oddly starts with perceptions of reality.

Everyone’s reality is different, like a unique finger-print. Painted by their lived experience, they look upon the wold from their socioeconomic status, race, religion, culture, cast, era of birth, age, gender and sexuality. Their point of view was additionally uniquely formed by their schooling, peers and family to name a few. No two people are exactly alike from an experiential reality point of view. People can have experiential reality similarities but that doesn’t equate to the same reality because of all the other unique factors that are at play.

Agreement reality definitely can be the illusory glue to paint the picture of common realities. If we all agree the earth is flat, then the earth is flat… write? Agreement reality definitely contributes to the perception of a common operating system that is our perspective’s on others and what we call the self. It is from these assumptions of common reality that we judge and determine the warranted applications of compassion.

Because we are comforted by black and white thinking, we categorize to sooth. This is where compassion is lost. We assume to know another’s reality. We assume to know another’s lived experience. We assume that all of the ingredients to make the best choices are present. We assume free will. How can you have free will when you operate off of programmed if/then dependencies towards your painted reality? Your decisions are almost guessable if your inner working and lived experiences are known.