No one is trying to take your should from you. You have every right to should. The question is, should you should less?

Future shoulds are often tied to past shoulds. It is kind of like the past should makes a future should. An example of this could be pulled from the prior lesson. The conversation that you review can move to the future where you entertain what you will say in various situations. You can entertain all kinds of scenarios which can cause you emotional reactions and they are all in your head, have not even happened. Let me know when you agree this is torture.

Future shoulds are projections into the possibilities of what lies before you or others. These are not always bad, remember recycling, but they are typically formed after processing a past should. Continually shoulding on your, or other’s future, is torture and unnecessary. Shoulding this much creates anxiety, fear, angst, sadness, worry and anger. That is a lot of should and half the should won’t even happen.

Should less?