Your reward system can be set with a consequence for bad behavior when it is set up around time durations. This is the exception from the suggestion in previous paragraph. A good system for video game players is establishing a daily minimum of 1 hour. They can earn more, up to 2 hours total, through praises with rewards of 5 to 10 minutes. They can also receive consequences of equal subtraction. Example: First thing in the morning Jimmy hits Shelly. You can tell Jimmy what he did wrong and subtract 10 minutes from the daily given of 60 and tell him he has 50 minutes left. You can tell him that you don’t want to take any more time away and request he turn around his behavior. Notice how the example expressed the parent’s desire and intentions of not wanting to take more. This is important way to facilitate that achieves better outcomes due to authenticity to help the child succeed. This system is sometimes potent for teenagers who are still into video games, social media and/or tv. Money also speaks volumes and is what you are accustomed to for yourself.