There are many objects one can focus on while cooking on the present moment. Lets have you find the most potent one for you. Forewarning, it starts with trial and error. Not all possible ingredients are listed here. Here is a figurative garlic, to start out with, called somatic witnessing.

You likely have sensations somewhere in your body attributed to your prior ingredients. Watch these sensations without trying to forcefully change them or cover them up. Use them as the object of your present-oriented-focus. Meet them with the neutrality salve and breathe into it’s bodily location. Be patient like you may have never been before. You are sauting your garlic on low. Let it do its thing and know that it’s state will change.

Here is the ingredient infused with “Sit Your Mind”

~ Mind thinks ~

~ Thinking is noticed ~

~ Neutrality is applied like a salve ~

~ Mind is brought back to singular focus on the body sensation for as long as possible ~

~ Eventually, Mind thinks ~

Do this until you win the tug of war for your attention, achieve objectives to cope and/or for about 5 to 10 minutes.